You know that therapy is an option,

but do you know

the lasting impact

it could have on your life?  

sand art

Do you find yourself feeling like this?

  • A sense of disconnection, perhaps leading to dissociation, emotional shutdown, or even panic attacks.

  • Struggles in your marriage, with a prevailing feeling of disconnection.

  • An overwhelming sense of loneliness within your relationship.

  • Sacrificing your own feelings and needs to maintain the happiness of others.

  • Wrestling with low self-esteem and a persistent feeling that change is elusive.

  • Overwhelming emotions of helplessness, depression, and anxiety.

  • Lingering doubts about your own worth and feeling like you're not good enough.

  • Difficulty trusting your own judgment when it comes to making important decisions.

Sometimes, when you’re going through things like these, talk therapy is just not enough. 

Sometimes, you need to go a bit deeper to get to the root and actually heal yourself. 

And that’s what I’m here for.

Counseling Specialities

Trauma Therapy

Understanding your trauma is just the beginning of a transformative journey. While awareness is crucial, it alone doesn't unravel the complexity of trauma residing within. Trauma often becomes deeply embedded and frozen within the body, necessitating somatic experiencing to truly release it. This is why traditional talk therapy may sometimes fall short.

In my trauma therapy approach, I draw upon the powerful tools of EMDR, Brainspotting, Havening Techniques, and IFS to process and rewire your brain. I use Polyvagal Theory and Attachment Theory to explain and normalize. These models help in rewiring the trauma by shedding light on the somatic and emotional facets of your experiences, enabling you to comprehend the "what" and "why" behind your actions. This newfound understanding fosters greater self-compassion, ultimately guiding you toward holistic healing.

How Trauma Therapy Can Help You:

  • Release and Heal: Provides a safe and supportive environment to release the stored trauma in your body, allowing for true healing.

  • Normalize Your Experiences: By integrating Polyvagal and Attachment Theories, you will be able to normalize and explain your behaviors from a somatic and emotional perspective, helping you understand and accept your responses.

  • Enhance Self-Compassion: As you gain insight into the roots of your actions, you'll develop a deeper sense of self-compassion and self-acceptance.

  • Self-Regulate: You will have the tools and resources to carry with you for the rest of your life. These will help to regulate your system in moments of high stress and prevent the overwhelm from hijacking your body in moments of crisis.

  • Emotional Freedom: Experience emotional liberation as you free yourself from the grip of past traumas, allowing for a more fulfilling and empowered life.

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Relationship Issues

Strong and healthy relationships are at the core of a fulfilling life. However, challenges can arise in any relationship, be it with a partner, family member, or friend. Relationship therapy provides a safe and supportive space to address these challenges, fostering better communication, understanding, and connection.

How Relationship Therapy Can Help You:

  • Improve communication: Therapy is a safe and structured environment to express thoughts and feelings. You will learn skills like active listening, effective expression of needs, and techniques for better understanding one another.

  • Resolve conflict: You will identify the sources of conflict and develop strategies for resolution. You’ll learn to address issues constructively, find compromises, and learn how to navigate disagreements in a healthy manner.

  • Understand patterns: Through therapy, you gain insights into recurring behavioral and emotional patterns in your relationships. You will learn to recognize and understand these patterns, enabling you to break destructive cycles and replace them with healthier alternatives.

  • Build trust: Building or rebuilding trust is often a crucial aspect of relationship therapy. This can happen by fostering openness, accountability, and consistency.

  • Build stronger connections: Relationship therapy is geared toward helping you create deeper and more meaningful connections with your partner. You’ll work to strengthen emotional bonds, increase intimacy, and foster a sense of unity and partnership.

Relationship therapy is not just about fixing what's broken; it's about nurturing the growth of healthier, more meaningful relationships for you.

Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem and a lack of confidence can be significant barriers to leading a happy and fulfilled life. Therapy can be a powerful resource for you if you’re seeking to rebuild your self-esteem and develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

How Therapy Can Help Improve Self-Esteem:

  • Identify Negative Beliefs: In therapy, you will explore and identify negative beliefs that may be holding you back – often related to self-worth, self-criticism, or distorted perceptions of oneself and the world.

  • Enhance Self-Awareness: Therapy promotes self-awareness by encouraging you to examine your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through self-reflection and guidance, you gain a deeper understanding of your motivations, triggers, and past experiences that may be influencing your current beliefs and behaviors.

  • Learning Coping Strategies: You’ll learn practical coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenges tailored to your unique needs.

  • Build Self-Compassion: Self-compassion involves treating oneself with kindness and understanding. Therapy can help you shift from self-criticism to self-acceptance and self-nurturing.

  • Build Confidence: Therapy can be instrumental in boosting self-confidence by addressing and challenging self-doubt and negative self-perceptions.

  • Creating Long-Term Resilience: You’ll learn to adapt to life's challenges and setbacks by gaining skills and insights that can be applied throughout your life by building the emotional strength to weather future difficulties.

Low self-esteem doesn't have to define your life. Through therapy, we will walk together to rediscover your self-worth and embrace a future filled with greater self-confidence and personal empowerment.

Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety is a common experience that can manifest in various forms, such as excessive worry, restlessness, racing thoughts, and physical symptoms like a racing heart or shortness of breath. It's a normal part of the human experience, but when it becomes overwhelming and persistent, it can significantly impact your quality of life.

Anxiety is the body's natural response to stress, and in moderate levels, it can be a helpful signal that alerts us to potential dangers. However, when anxiety becomes chronic or intense, it can disrupt your daily life, affecting your relationships, work, and overall well-being.

How Anxiety Therapy Can Help You:

  • Understanding Your Anxiety: Therapy helps you gain insight into the root causes of your anxiety.

  • Identify Triggers: You'll identify your unique triggers, allowing you to recognize and address them in healthier ways.

  • Emotional Regulation: You’ll learn how to regulate your emotions, preventing them from becoming overwhelming and interfering with your daily life.

  • Improved Relationships: As you gain control over your anxiety, you'll often find that your relationships with others improve, as you can engage more fully in social and personal activities.

  • A Sense of Empowerment: You’ll be empowered to take charge of your emotional well-being, enabling you to lead a more fulfilling, balanced life.

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Therapy for Feeling Stuck

Feeling stuck in life can be an incredibly frustrating and disheartening experience. Whether you're grappling with career indecision, relationship challenges, or a general sense of stagnation, therapy offers valuable tools and insights to help you move forward and find a more fulfilling path.

Therapy can help you move from being “stuck” by helping you:

  • Clarify Goals and Values: Define what is important and meaningful to you.

  • Explore Roadblocks: Identify and address the emotional and psychological roadblocks that are keeping you stuck.

  • Manage Fear and Anxiety: Many people feel stuck due to fear and anxiety about the unknown or potential failure. Therapy will help you develop strategies to manage these emotions.

  • Develop Problem-Solving Skills: Therapy can help you break down complex issues into manageable steps.

  • Regaining Confidence: Feeling stuck can cause you to lose much of your self-confidence. Together, we will work on rebuilding your self-esteem.

  • Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs: Identifying ideas about yourself that are holding you back and developing strategies to overcome them.

“When we learn to listen to all of our parts,

we can find new solutions to old problems.”

Richard Schwartz

It’s never too late for healing.